During the September 18 Los Rios UMW Annual Celebration, a District-wide long term Plarn Sleeping Mat Project is being proposed. We ask each of you to read over the proposal and watch the YouTube video detailing how to make the Plarn mats. Please click on this site - How to Make PLARN Mats. www.youtube.com/watch?v=yr_WHW_tGSE[Please note there is an ad at the front of this video and YouTube does give you the option to skip the ad.]
All units are encouraged to participate. Each unit can pick the activities to do and Connie Matthew, Social Action Coordinator, will coordinate the moving of materials around the District. Doing this project will stimulate discussion on recycling, climate justice, land, water, and air pollution, as well as the issues around poverty, homelessness, and social justice. I hope that by starting this project we will connect the units in our district, grow individually as we show our love in an action, learn about poverty and climate as it affects our communities, and deepen our faith as the spirit moves us into action.
The YouTube video explains the Plarn (plastic yarn) project and how to crochet the Plarn into sleeping mats with attached ties and strap. It is 20 min long, with a great explanation of the project. Please watch the YouTube and decide how your unit will participate. You could collect the plastic bag and make the Plarn. Or your unit could crochet the Plarn into mats. The YouTube explains how you do this, so even if you have never crochet before. Or, if your unit has connections with people who could use the mats, you could be a distribution point for the completed mats. For example, Santa Rose UMW does a weekly meal for the homeless. Completed mats can be available for pick there. Other units have food or clothing pantries where mats can be handed out. I also know of community resources, like monthly first aid visits to homeless camps, that can distribute the mats. Collecting plastic bags and making the mats is time consuming. But there is a need, for those sleeping on the ground, and to keep plastic bags out of landfills.
Please watch the YouTube, prayerfully consider this project. Take part in the discussion on September 18th and let us know how your unit/church will participate and on which part of the project.
Sharing in Faith, Hope and Love with actions, Connie Matthew-Warren