United Methodist Women Organized for Mission An Installation Service
[February 17, 2011 – Amended for Los Rios Installation on September 18, 2021] Preparation – Rev. Brady: Everyone please prepare to have a candle ready to light for the Installation ceremony. Please feel free to use battery operated candles for your personal comfort. Also, this ceremony has places for the Officers to responsive read and for all attendees to responsive read. At that point, we ask you to mute your microphones and we will have someone represent you in the responses.
Officers to be Installed:
President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Adi Mere Nabou
Leader – Rev. Debra Brady: 2 Timothy vs 1: Line 6 – ”For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you …”
Welcome to you as leaders for United Methodist Women. You stand in a long line of women dedicated to making a difference.
Officers: We celebrate and witness the United Methodist Women’s historical commitment for over 130 years to ministry and offer our ministry to support women and children and youth.
All United Methodist Women: We are here to celebrate and witness as women organized for mission. We will strive to develop a creative, supportive fellowship to undergird our historical commitment to our ministry with women, children, and youth.
Leader – Rev. Brady: As elected leaders of the local United Methodist Women, you become part of the local leadership of more than 25,000 local units in our country.
Officers: We celebrate our connectional system. We honor the trust and stewardship entrusted to us through our offices.
All UMW: The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God.
Leader – Rev. Brady: Your pledge to service and pledge to mission link you, as a local United Methodist Woman, with more than 50,000 congregations around the world.
Officers: We celebrate the global sisterhood and brotherhood made possible through mission. A light set upon a hill cannot be hidden.
All UMW: Those who experience freedom as whole persons through Christ cannot hide their light under a bushel.
Leader – Rev. Brady: God of mission calls us to a renewed discipleship as followers of Christ.
Officers: We pledge ourselves to renewed discipleship as followers of Christ.
All UMW: We pledge ourselves to renewed discipleship in Christ to expand concepts of mission through the global ministries of the church.
Leader – Rev. Brady: We are now moving to the lighting of the candles. Please take a moment to get your candles ready so we can light them together. As a token of your commitment to the Purpose of the United Methodist Women, please light your candles. Leader – Rev. Brady: As you light your candles, I am reminded of the awesome commitment spiritually, monetarily, and with humanitarian actions in support of the United Methodist Women to mission. In 2020, United Methodist Women provided over $9 million to further the causes to help women, children, youth and men. Ladies – do you realize what a phenomenal accomplishment that is? Take A moment and pat yourselves on the back!
We affirm this major contribution of yours to mission here and around the world. Let the light from your candles, your lights so shine before men, women, children, and youth that they may glorify God.
Officers & All UMW: We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
Leader: May the God of our foremothers who sustains us in this mission continue to bless you, keep you, and nudge you to greater possibilities. Amen.