Los Rios United Methodist Women District Team Vacancies
Mission Coordinator for Education and Interpretation
Leadership Responsibilities:
Interpret the impact and importance of Mission Giving as an act of faith and commitment. Leader empowers women to understand, and interpret United Methodist Women mission projects and concepts of mission, working closely with the finance and program committees to ensure that members are well-informed about what ministries are made possible through their Mission Giving. Promotion of the Five Channels of Mission Giving; inform United Methodist Women members of transformative education and leadership development opportunities such as Mission u and Leadership Development Days. Conduct training annually for local United Methodist Women.
Committee on Nominations - 2 Positions
Leadership Responsibilities:
The Nominations Committee reflects on the mission of the District UMW, the primary task, and ministries. It provides a means of identifying the spiritual gifts and abilities of candidates to work with the District Leadership Team. The committee members meet with the entire Leadership Team to be involved in decisions and planning to more the team forward. They members will be open to finding people with the skills and abilities needed to reinforce the work of the District Leadership Team.
Thank You to the Volunteers Who Have Filled These Positions:
Secretary of Program Resources - Maria Morton has been confirmed -August 18, 2020
Committee on Nominations - Ginney Romero has agreed to chair the Committee on Nominations - December 2020